The Coronavirus - the last weapon in the Kremlin’s hybrid war | BA Comment

The Coronavirus – the last weapon in the Kremlin’s hybrid war | BA Comment

The Coronavirus - the last weapon in the Kremlin’s hybrid war


Thousands of profiles on social networks, mostly from Russian people, spread information in support of the conspiracy theory that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is behind the outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic, AFP reported.


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In an investigation, US government officials suspect the Kremlin’s long arm in the thousands of trolls on social media Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, singing in one voice how the CIA has triggered the epidemic that claimed the lives of more than 2,300 people. Putin’s Russia harnessed its “troll factory” in a hybrid war against the West. Spreading false information about the coronavirus is intended to sow discord, to undermine the image of US institutions. According to Philip Reeker, US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, with fake news, Russia aims to endanger public safety by diverting attention from the authorities’ fight against the virus.